This poem was inspired by my disparate feelings after a judge gave a ruling that meant my nephew would be denied justice that has been seeking for ten years. I was questioning God. Our family is a God fearing family and we believe that He answers prayers,

The Visit

The room was dark, my spirits low.
Had God forgotten? I did not Know.
The awaited news had crossed the air.
The injustice goes on. Does He not care?

"Where are you God", my heart cried out.
Your idle hand has caused me doubt.
What have we done to deserve this plight?
You have the power. You have the might.

Despite the prayers laid before Your throne,
This night of hell goes on and on.
My fretful mind soon fell asleep.
My body still, my slumber deep.

Suddenly a dream of peace and love
swept through the room; a heavenly dove.
The message came "salvation's free,
just trust Me son, and you will see."

"The storms of life will always blow,
But I am strong. I've told your so."
A glorious calm filled my soul.
Words to express I do not know.

He laid me bare. I let it come.
His mighty hand applied the balm.
My doubts were gone. He set me free.
God took time to visit me.

Nelson Lockhart

Poetry by Nelson Lockhart
Read 309 times
Written on 2011-04-05 at 03:07

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Kathy Lockhart
Nelson, it has been awhile since I have been on here and I am so pleased and surprised to see you have posted a poem.

The poem is so poignant, moving me to tears. The subject matter is so personal to our family but it is so important for all to know the message you are revealing through your words. Any time we can feel God's presense in our lives is a blessing; even in the hardest of times, especially then.

Many have had trials and tribulations in their lives and need to know, if they do not know already, that there is hope, someone bigger than we are and stronger than all our heartaches and cares in this world. You have proven that through your faith in God, keeping it strong even in the worst of times.

Bravo and Much Love,