Roses dance on your heart

Save up all your kisses
Maybe you can bury them a lonely night

Feel the stars burning on your cheek
Let the water sing
Like the roses dance on your heart

Save up all your tears
Save them in a bowl
Let the water drip

Poetry by Mr painter
Read 969 times
Written on 2011-04-08 at 11:46

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Very interesting in its flow and use of imagery:
'burying of kisses,' 'stars burning on cheeks,'
'dancing roses,' and quite sad in the flow of tears.
Almost as if to say, comfort yourself or prepare to do so,
because in the end, no one else will. Tres triste. But reality is reality. Spoken without apology and without malice nor harsh words.

Language: 4
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

So brief yet so evocative . . . each stanza is a compelling image. I try but can't think of anyone to compare it to, which is perhaps the best comment one can make.