It is I

Once I flew like a thrush from heaven
with light and wings of time's speed.
I perched on boughs and summer grass
feeding my eyes on all I could grasp.

Rivers ran like bright snakes through cities
running red with flamboyance
and wild ants at the bottom of stairs.
It was hilarious to inhale that world.

Then days darkened and beacons
are all my focus can muster.
I listen; I sharpen my perception
to no avail. I do not move anymore.

Children, children...
You are the best thing ever,
that innocence moving
towards seas and tearing winds.

Madness, I think, madness,
a brief escape from the sinister,
the inevitable, the extinction,
an interval, a happy break.

Finally and utterly I say:
It is only I and I
walking these halls
of all in between.

Poetry by Bob
Read 907 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2011-04-27 at 22:37

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Christin Brennan
hi Bob!!
i am very impressed w/ this piece. it's just GOOD-i could explain why i think so to back up my opinion, but this time i just don't feel like just wrote a dang good poem ;) "It is I" is a pretty stout title that forecasts a earth-trembling, biblical might almost, that automatically holds the bar pretty high for the poem that follows (anything short of boring). i feel you have conquered that feight for sure! but i do have a few things i'd like to address too:

-"...and wild ants at the bottom of stairs."> i didn't understand where this imagery came from...what do you mean by wild ants at the stairs??
-"It was hilarious to inhale that world."> even though this line is strictly 'tell,' i love it! it's smart; it's off-beat & unexpected while dressing your subject w/ human-like character traits that makes him more 3-dimensional & relatable most importantly
-all of S5> comes out of nowhere, or it appears initially that it does---unless it has to do w/ the children stanza above it, which i don't think it does. it comes off like the narrator (subj) is becoming mad at that moment himself, & unless that's the case, it sounds like ranting jibberish. the clarity in this stanza really suffers
-my last nitpick is a general concern. though very well constructed, original & facinating, what you are trying to convey is a little too complex & inverted to interpret or avoided all together. i loved it, the editor's loved it, fellow readers loved it...but if asked what this poem really means-i, personally wonder if anyone could tell you...
pls don't misunderstand me here-there is nothing wrong w/ poetry that takes an hr, a day maybe to study...Dickenson for exp., she's one of the great's, but unless i'm missing something all together, i can't gather enough pieces to make a complete puzzle here (this is only referring to the understanding of plot).
if you have the time maybe you could explain it to me; love to hear!!

still greatly enjoyed,

Oh, able to inhale any world,
in the attempt to escape a tepid existence.
It is sad to realise that even innocence
does not come with the package at infancy
not any longer it seems.

A fabulous read, a waterfall of excellent phrases and imagery cascading right down to the final stanza which makes the poem whole.

Doreen Cavazza
This is absolutely fabulous. The imagery is spot on. It reads so smoothly, it sings.

"Rivers ran like bright snakes through cities
running red with flamboyance
and wild ants at the bottom of stairs."

What a fantastic line, though they're all terrific. I like the way this feels overall. A very good write.

John Ashleigh
Brilliant. An example of your never ending talent. This deffinately deserved the editors choice. :) Your imagery never stops amazing me. Keep sharing, Bob.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

I was so pleased with it myself and your words just fills me with a bright shine!!!!

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Wow! A piece of art! *bookmarked* and thank you for sharing. It left me speechless and the imagery was astounding: "Rivers ran like bright snakes through cities running red with flamboyance and wild ants at the bottom of stairs."*applause* :)