loosing of children

Two Lost Souls

When, Injustice, becomes Justice,
And the Lies become the Truth.
This will surly tell you,
We're no longer in our youth.

As a race of people,
Who think we're going good.
We really have done nothing,
At least, nothing that we should.

We let this surrounding world,
Which blinds the Truth, we knew,
And followed Greed and Policy,
And never thought it through.

What keeps this world from being great,
Man's inability to not feel greed,
He takes, and takes, and takes some more,
Then has lost his spiritual Will to lead!

Then he follows worldly ways,
Which blinds his Eye, from that sight,
He gives up on, what is really True,
And all that was, which was Right!

We need to find a way, just to stop,
And change this world, "Now"!
And here's the Secret to it all.
This poem has told you how!


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 614 times
Written on 2011-06-01 at 02:58

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ngaio Beck
Some very wise lessons that need to be taught again and again..

melanie sue
loosing of children...and the title two lost souls, makes me wonder....about the motivation for this poem.....and I can't help but wonder what makes you think they are lost souls?

melanie sue
Knowing how and actually doing are two different things unfortunately....this poem speaks the truth, for the most part....the evil rudiments will be forever done away with after the return of Jesus....or so it is said.