Ill: Kkc


When I was young
in another life
in another world
in another land
with other wounds
I climbed the walls
I climbed the trees
I fell from mountains
I fell from trees
like fallen fruit
Like fallen fruit

Please pick me up I said
throw me away
throw me at walls
throw me at power
throw me from rooftops
throw me from trees
Make me a bullet
Make me an apple
Make me a treath
Make me a guardian
maybe an angel
for someone
who once loved me

Pick up the fallen fruit
jump the fences
dodge the bullets
run from dogs
fight your fear
deny the power
you must tear
you must tear
you must tear
Down every fence!

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 807 times
Written on 2011-07-11 at 12:57

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