"Wrongful" Deed

I knew better than to ask the question,
But I asked anyway just for the kicks,
And a few young people answered me,
Every single one of them were dicks,

I asked, "Why kick that poor man again",
Can't you see he has been kicked before,
But they just laughed real hard and spit,
Then said fuck off and kicked some more,

I got so mad and my heart just started to race,
I don't like punching but my mind told me to,
So I laid into them like a hurricane into a shore,
I hated doing it but what else was there to do,

I felt the blade penetrate into my ribs,
I dropped to my knees in a lot of pain,
But I stood back up to protect the bum,
To try this I really am honestly insane,

For there was three of these big young men,
But I had taken one off their feet to the ground,
The bum was bloody as he was getting beat,
I heard him after a few seconds make a sound,

"He said son, leave, my life is over now",
"Run away and let me die save your life,
"I was a worthless man always a drunk",
"Do better than me go find you a pretty wife",

But I refused to leave him just lying there,
So I rammed my fist into one of the faces,
And grabbed the knife and try to slice,
One of the bodies into a few painful laces,

Now I am in this prison for murder of them three,
I was protecting an innocent man but I am wrong,
I was right if you ask me, and others should say so,
For doing good I am locked up for my whole life long.

Poetry by Justin
Read 536 times
Written on 2006-03-18 at 19:13

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