Inspired by the Elton John
song American Triangle.


Must Act, Can't Wait

Blowing down the wire-fenced ridge
cold wind of ignorance cracks it's knuckles,
as under hatred, and bigotry, another life buckles.

Is it too late to reach the ignoramus
Can people raised to hate REALLY change
Or a failed education system, maybe to blame?

I'd like to believe it's NOT late,
but we must act now, this can not wait,
before another life is lost to hate.


Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1187 times
Written on 2012-01-21 at 12:23

Tags Haste  Hate  Wait 

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Hans Bump
Liz the first stanza was classic!, wonderful stuff!
Then language in the second then seemed much more casual,
disrupting the continuity of the tone
Then you pulled it back in the last stanza and closed strong.
I really liked it (that's why I'm commenting), but that part threw me off a little bit.
From a faithful follower, peace.

Language: 4
Format: 3
Mood: 5
Overall: 4