The Paradise of Nature

I stand there by the cold hillside
Where Nature in its purest form does reside
Clear orange skies covered with fleecy clouds
This part of Nature is far away from any crowds

Lush green grasses surround the mountains that reach the sky
Birds sing sweet lullabies and fly high
Little bunnies and deer peacefully feed
It is God who providently caters to their needs

The tall trees give off a fantasy vibe
The depths of Nature are impossible to describe
The sweet scent of flowers and fresh air give an amazing sensation
There is perhaps no end to God's this wonderful creation

These enchanting valleys full of flora enrich the earth
The charming and beautiful scenery provides me mirth
The sight of the sunset makes me smile
The scenic views make everything around worthwhile

I keep wandering about in this grand treasure
The beauty of Nature drives me here with pleasure
Gazing at the sky I see Heaven's reflection
God has created Nature in a way of absolute perfection

Poetry by Rishi Khetan
Read 998 times
Written on 2012-05-19 at 19:46

Tags Nature 

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