Don't Say Another Fucking Word

You can run your mouth you can make your fun,
But you son-of-a-bitch if you see me you better run,
I can only take so much of your bullshit,
I have met my limit I getting tired of it,
See my mind gets confused and I get mad,
When you mother fuckers talk about my dad,
I get angry and bizarre pretty quick,
You better watch what you say you prick,
I'll fuck up your face and your clothes,
Then I'll even fuck up your slut ass hoes,
Now you can yell at me and get up in my grill,
But if you talk about my dad get ready to be killed,
I will not tolerate it I won't stand for that,
If my hands don't do the trick I'll use a bat,
This is no threat it's a swear on my life,
And if the bat doesn't work I'll slit you with a knife,
So you better back off of my family and friends,
Or else I may not know exactly how this story ends!

Poetry by Justin
Read 567 times
Written on 2006-03-31 at 05:37

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Jon Hanover
One of the major problems here is making the assumption your audience is not capable of understanding your anger and going right into it. This happens with shock artists a lot. If you want to be harder hitting, use jabs, going for the knockout opens you up. You can call someone a " slut " or you can say " we wondered who was next on her list of needs " which one sounds crueler ? Example again of course, he is an " asshole " versus " he stands in the way of his own lack of sense ". I understand the anger and needing to vent but apply it to creativity and you will be amazed at how more powerful it will be.