love & gold

I see you right there
Threw the bouquet of flowers in the air
The way she kissed him youl stare
And they are now a fine pair

Years are old, memories worth gold
Like a drowning man she hugged
And asked me to come back soon with the gold
And i hurried to the other end of the world

I was then a farmer, It was all a nice summer
I sailed for more than a year
And found that gold was all a rumor
I hurried back and it was a winter

I was back in my town
And was looking for the eyes brown
My whole world brunet down
Within the seconds she kissed jeron

For a wounded hart that struggle
Bars a hospital where medicine come in a bottle
I figured out that im not in a recovery level
So i sent a bullet through ma head from my own rifle

She married in front and i was barrier behind
Specters have no tears to shed
And im watching my baby moving ahead
I thought being alive is only hard

Poetry by manthil
Read 253 times
Written on 2012-05-30 at 14:25

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
A painful experience well written. Keep writing my friend!
