A pondering in free form, a trail of thoughts after a weekend drive with my 16 year old son. It's been a while... go easy on me. ;)

"L" Plates

"Can I drive Mum?"
His green eyes, expectant, glowing through long eyelashes
I nod, he grins, the plates are placed with pride and care
I try not to double check the mirrors
Look behind me, second guess his methods
Say to myself... breathe Mum, let him be....
Wind through open window plays in his hair
Dark like his fathers, in places golden like my own
He negotiates a corner, looks at me expectantly...
I try not to grip my seat or tighten my knuckles
"You're doing great honey!" I chime
Sweat is forming in my palms, but I smile, don't let him see
Don't make him nervous, he feels you, you know
Just breathe Mum, let him go....

And I do... the blue sky, the open road
The sunlight conjuring early memories of him
Tiny, feeding from my breast, so perfect
Falling on his bottom, learning how to stand
Clapping his hands, I can still hear his little laugh
I glance across at his beaming face,
Auburn stubble on his chin, a bit of my father there....
He has grown so much, my beautiful, special boy
My heart feels both light and heavy
Pondering the prospect of his wings, one day
Taking him away.... and like our afternoon drives
I can only hope the skills I gave him will keep him safe
Just breathe Mum, let him be... let him fly.

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 851 times
Written on 2012-08-09 at 06:27

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Loving, I cannot say more. Applaud!

beautiful! I could feel every emotion,your love for your son..Its nice to read you again,,havnt been here much,a mothers love,nothing compares,,and awesome,it was I was in the car too,,your vision through poetry,,hugs to you,,and your son is a handsome young man,,proud mom you are~!

CyN :)

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
You've written a beautiful poem about you and your
"beautiful, special boy"

xxx Stan

Brian Oarr
... I can hardly wait
to be your friend
It has been so hard
to be your
--- Merrit Malloy, "The People Who Didn't Say Good-bye"

The Rache returns with a wonderful poem!

Absolutely enchanting. If every boy had such a loving parent, there would be no wars, injustice, and cruelty.

Finely composed also.


Takes me back fifty years to my own "learners." But it takes a mum to see and say it in such a loving and endearing way.