Ill: Kkc


Some people like to go picking
strawberries in a field
crawl around hours and take it home
eat it with icing and cream
Someone like raspberries
blackberries too
cloudberry fields whatever
I am just mad about You!

I want to sit down in a shade by a tree
let us get terribly lost!
Down by the lake we could go for a swim
but we have to do what we must
Blueberry only
pancakes and honey
Blueberry stains on your scarf

Blueberry Fields Endeavour
We got us a blueberry pie
I love you to bits
for taking me there
up in the blueberry sky

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1135 times
Written on 2012-08-29 at 01:17

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