Ill: Kkc


I don't understand
so I guess I am fool
of a lovers man
Never learn
to see those precious moments
taken from me all this soon
I want more
than you and me to happen
once in a blue moon

I don't want to know
I guess there are some rules
for every kind of love
Tell me then
what I can't see what you see
shadows in the afternoon
did you say
love is like a falling star
once in a blue moon

Let me sit and think
and find you in this smile
my heart there on a sleeve
dancing in the moonlight
out of my cocoon
wanting love
to happen for us Now and not
once in a blue moon

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1209 times
Written on 2012-09-01 at 02:24

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