

I bathed in the moonlight
standing on my toes
I tried to kiss the universe
I think I was that close
But then the morning came
the sky turned cruelly grey
The sun, the stars,
the universe
washed down by the rain

I streamed the summer sunlight
lying in the sprigs
The trees so tall and mighty strong
as what become of me
Then wind put in a spoke
my sunwheel lost it's shade
The sun, the stars
the universe
was down again to grey

But grey is not an ending
the many shades of grey
has sun and moon and starry nights
just learn to look that way
Look far and deep inside
all past your cross and curse
in heart and soul
in mindfulness
You find your universe

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1180 times
Written on 2012-09-04 at 14:47

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I am heartened by this, by the language and intent and thoughtfulness ~~~