Ill: kkc


I found something to hold on to
run my fingers up your thigh
trials of thoughts as i go wandering down
to the sentence of your sigh

Smile behind my wheel of fortune
I will pretend I won
thinking of life's complications
I had wonderful run

Out there is a MAD world
My fingers down your spine
Don't tell me anything I don't want to know
I think I'm doing just fine

I found someone's attention
to save me from burning hell...
four Ave Maria's when you hold me close
...full absolution as well

I am the man of forgiveness
down on your knees and let it go
Lie in this bed and we both confess
Confession to the Now

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1663 times
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Written on 2012-09-05 at 02:46

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