Ill: kkc


Love can be such a bitter fruit
hanging on the branches
you can't get to
it tasted sweet that once ago for sure
a table set for fiest
for only you and me
almost like a common thing
like waves along the shore
not like now
luxuriously sweet

You could be so good to me like gold
dance me from the the nightcrush
like I was never told
Your body like a moonlanding for real
A vast poetic land
where you took my hand
blinded I could close my eyes
close my eyes and feel
luxuriously real

I go to see the the gardener again
he says "there is no such thing
as bitter fruit my friend
Love is always sweet bitter is the mind
eat it as it's served
fresh or well preserved
call it love and make it taste
like fruits of her divine
that girl is so much more
than being just
luxuriously yours

I cannot grieve I cannot turn away
my slow feet walking down the path
my shade is down for prayer
I want too much for the one moon I took down
Standing by your door
I have no keys no more
my mind map due for rearranging
so stuck here in a frown
till I hold you close
finding us
luxuriously alone

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1241 times
Written on 2012-09-16 at 12:32

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