Ill: Kkc


Don't believe I ever took her
to Polarbearland
just showed her nature
the tip of the iceberg
sunsets over snow covered
vast numbness
holding her hand
looking away into her beautiful eyes
Polarbears hate poets
I could have joked
but the sun was up
the day was far away from icy
I had let myself melt
to evaporate like fog
before her eyes
a spirit from the bottle I wished
but then
when she was gone
the polarbears was over me
chewing chunks of my dreams
no witness to that
as could my piano fingers ever reveal
my hard days on the fishing fields

So why bother
taking anyone there

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1303 times
Written on 2012-09-18 at 16:17

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