A Moment of Praise

Soft sultry sunrise
slowly lifting over the lake
Light of the World
take and make this day what you will
fill our lives
with the power of Your presence
living for Your glory
is the very essence of my existence
and no storm
no scheme of man
no other circumstance
can ever take or break the promise
I have in you
and it is for You I live
as I take this brief moment
to lift you up and give you praise...

Poetry by Ridkash Natz kaif
Read 867 times
Written on 2012-10-03 at 14:02

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
Like you, I pray, or try to, daily. Your words far surpass any I have ever used. They will be my meditation today. I salute you!


The moment of praise has been captured very brilliantly....