Invisible Help

I heard the wind howling, howling my name,
I heard it ask "Son do you want to play a game?"
I said "Now you know better than to ask",
He just kindly smiled and tipped his flask,
I sat down and asked him what he had in mind,
He said "I just want your life for you to find,"
I told the wind to keep on blowing down river,
That I really didn't want to turn out a soul giver,
He told me he didn't at all even want my soul,
He made it clear for me it was black as coal,
He said "My friend I just want to help you",
I thought and then said "That's not for you to do"
"Helping hands are far too few to reject them", he said,
But I laughed at him and went home, woke up and now I'm dead,
I asked god as he was sending me to hell,
Why he didn't send me any help, I started to yell,
He said "Son of mine remember the wind",
"He was your help but you left him at the bend."

Poetry by Justin
Read 559 times
Written on 2006-05-27 at 18:56

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