Mousey (poem about a mouse)

There once was a small furry thing
Mousey was his name,
he began his life upon a string
connected to a bow.

A fishing rod for cats, of sorts,
was a source of play,
and such excitement did it bring
we often had to put it away.

Then one day Mousey's freedom came,
to a string he was no more tethered,
much to kitty cat's delight
from then on they could not be severed.

She'd play with him both day and night
hardly an hour we slept;
she'd go fetch and carry him
in her whiskered mouth.

Then one day a tragedy struck
as Mousey could not be found;
we searched for him both hi and low,
our sadness was unbound.

We wandered here, looking there,
but no other mouse was her "boo,"
and so we pondered our dismay
and wondered what to do.

So, mommy in her wisdom thought
I'll go to that magical realm
that shop that sells kitty cat things,
so another mouse could be found.

On Christmas Eve, with stars aglow
and lights glistening all around,
she carefully wrapped "Mousey two"
and laid him on the ground.

On Christmas morn kitty cat awoke
to see what would be,
in the package tied with pretty things
her new friend she did see.

Poetry by Morning Star
Read 1151 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2012-12-27 at 02:13

Tags Humor  Joyful 

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A lovely poem.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Very nicely written. It brought to mind one of my favorite poems, Bangur Ban.

This brings back some happy memories . . . I have had cats who loved this toy to obsession. This Christmas I gave to a friend who has a new kitten a mouse that when you pull its tail it scoots across the floor, kitten in rapturous pursuit.