Ill: Kkc


What about if there came
a wild refreshing twister
of strong spring winds
whirling up your
beautiful coast
Caressing you to a standstill
escapating your harbours and fjords
in your inland country of longing
I brush your hair with my winds
slowly moving you up to
the disreably epicentre of
dreams behind closed eyes
telling yourself to be lifted up and let go
with a loud Oui!
in this called on
bad bad weather

But I guess you are all right
striding down you runway
in some so so suitable clothes
the weather nice
almost springtime
no panic for anything

But I think of you too
from time to time

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1293 times
Written on 2013-03-09 at 16:55

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I enjoyed this, and the metaphor of the twister is a good one. I can think of some who could use a good twister now and again, myself included. Oui!