A Rictameter on one of the most powerful emotions on Earth...

Love is

Love, is:
All consuming,
All devouring, never
Ends, overwhelming, engulfing,
Ever flowing, flooding your whole being,
Powerful and gripping, an emotion,
That holds you so tightly
in its clutches!
Love is!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Calligraphy: ' Concept of Love in Shakespeare's Sonnets' (each swirl here is a line from a sonnets) by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1267 times
Written on 2006-04-11 at 20:22

Tags Love 

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Amanda K
a special picture of love in this poem.bravo


Sithre Lateralus
Grand ole' write.
and love is all these things.

very good.

flemming rasmussen
I like it, wonderful poetry.

Sometimes I think that love should not even be called so bacause so much emotion cannot be enveloped by just one word..........it just has too much meaning attached to it.Love is beautiful I agree.

How lovely you describe what love is all about ! Yes - love is all consuming , takes a lot gives a lot back Thank you for a wonderful poem

Kathy Lockhart
"love is written about endlessly..." partial line from a poem I had written when about 19. Still and evermore will be true. It has to be written about for us to try to get and grasp or gain an understanding of the full power of it. Will we ever? Such a complex emotion yet desired by everyone. Well written in exploring the different aspects of this "all consuming" love. Kathy

Beautiful! Yes - love IS! :)

Love is just this and so much more....ever to be defined in so very many ways....you did it so well Zoya.


See, it turned out to be a beautiful love text!
(I love the way you get carried away sometimes:))

Could not have been said in truer words
Love just IS, with all its many faces..
A beautiful write.
¤¤¤:) Lourdes

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
very very beautiful expose of what it is
and so true but whatever i can tell you this recently when i fell in love i never felt so more alive than at any time in my life
well done rgds mike

Malin Johansson
Love is beautiful and you describe it well...
Very sweet...