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pia65 years old from Sweden |
MY TEXTS, Archive 13 Texts
New morning (16) - 2006-07-25
Clear water (11) - 2006-07-17
Love (11) - 2006-07-15
My son (9) - 2006-04-19
Night (3) - 2006-04-19
Moonleaves (9) - 2006-04-16
Star boy (6) - 2006-04-15
The girl I used to be (12) - 2006-04-15
I am now your woman (4) - 2006-04-09
Friendship (4) - 2006-04-09
You confirm me (4) - 2006-04-09
Skyblue (3) - 2006-04-09
A walk with God (7) - 2006-04-09