The sweetest come back


The cool soft breeze
The scent of the earth
The grey low clouds
Painted the scenes

Drops on my cheeks
Drops on my lips
We walked in the rains
We talked of our pains

I said, have you been well?
My days were dull,
Without you in them,
My love, I can't tell

Can't complain, he replied,
I pondered every day,
What will I say?
What will you say?
Or shall I wait
For another day?!
Indulged in thoughts
Years I've passed
But I always knew
Grooved in my mind
I had to come back
A boomerang,
That left you behind

Swamped by his words
Glitters in my eyes
I looked at the sky
Its only just starting
We're not far from home
A fair chance we run?

He answered in calm,
My cheeks in his palm
Oh! I'd like it to rain
Your being I fain
He kissed me now and then
That's when I knew
We are no more in pain

No signs of easing,
The rain kept us drenching
Unwilling to resign
We kept on with walking
We kept on with talking

Poetry by Bunny
Read 1218 times
Written on 2013-12-11 at 04:57

Tags Love  Conversation  Rain 

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Very sweet, endearing, to think of the longing finally realized.

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5