Dedicated to all those who believe in the hereafter...

Six Feet Under and Beyond

The hour draws nigh

When the earth shall tremble

And the mountains shall fly

Like the clouds you see floating

In the heavens up high

And when the trumpet rumbles

The earth will get torn

She will gag out her burden

Like a virgin-born

Then a man shall appear

To ask her of the matter

And she shall tell it all

Of good and evil; of rise and fall

Tidings she wouldn't bring you

But on your Master's call

So shall walk the mankind, their Final March

On a ground which will suffer

Both old and young; delicate and larch

And in the ledger, man will find

Even his slightest of gambles

From which he was blind

And those he would scramble

Thus when you Lord

Gives each soul its reckoning

Then it is set for its nadir

Or will reach its zenith

And there you shall see men

Shrouded with stupor, without having drunk

Their eyes fearful, without having shrunk

So my transgressions became my depression

Shall I abandon all hope?

When I enter the Eternal Session

With none to buy my dope

That 'Six Feet Under and Beyond' was in oblivion

And in the stranglehold of desires mundane I always was

Now bitter will be effect

When shallow was the cause

Poetry by Safwan Ullah
Read 463 times
Written on 2014-01-20 at 12:51

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A well written poem. Some of us may have different beliefs but your writing cannot be denied. Well done.