

To all who have prayed for my demise
Your prayers have been answered
To the few that believed in me
I'm sorry I let you down

I've prayed to G-d to save me
Still he doesn't speak to me no more
I offered my self to lucifer
Here I am
Not even lucifer wants me

I'm now free from whatever is good in this life
I'm free to do what I want
Just to bad I never saw the terms and conditions

My purpose in life seems to be tormented
An experiment to the gods
How much can a little girl's heart break

Dear gods
My heart shall break for as long as you keep me alive
I pray oh do take my soul before I wake
However I wake every morning....

I've walked on the straight and narrow
It lead to nowhere
I've walked on the path to do what I want
It lead nowhere
I took the wrong path
It lead nowhere

I am forced to live
With nothing
With no one

Not even G-d wants me
Not even evil wants me
No human wants me

What breaks my heart
I'm to cowardly to end it myself
So my cowardice has left me
To live with the hurt

Poetry by zannee
Read 420 times
Written on 2014-03-29 at 07:10

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Rob Graber
A strongly written lament, especially, I think, lines 7-9 and the sixth stanza.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome , hear , to The Bay. Hear you are among the best of friends. Hear where no one is a stranger.
Ken (D Williams)
2014-03-29 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Poignantly sad, a powerful demonstration of despair and hopelessness. Enjoyed the way you wrote this.

Welcome to PoetBay!


by zannee
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