inspired by Coleridge's poem

Rhyme-less Love

My dearest Ancient Mariner,
Do we rhyme harmoniously?
Can we compose such a long poem or a story?
I'd be the narrator, you'd be the mariner
The albatross would be the time
That would pass us by or pass over

The sun could be our love
That would rise and set
Without overlapping

I could even be the moon
Eclipsing behind your horizon
Or making your tide high
Or let me turn myself into a typhoon
That would throw your solid ship upside down
without letting anything upset
--------------------------------------You the Mariner

Poetry by sylvier
Read 500 times
Written on 2014-05-13 at 11:11

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Exultant , poem , well compost , and so well told.
ken D williams

Beautiful to read and thought provoking. I enjoyed reading your words.