You know..

If I ever could reach your skin

- I absolutely
would kiss it

Transform It

To another Bay
to another day

another life
and survance resolution

[hostage I am
as I am]

If I ever could reach
the skin

Of yours

I would never be free

Poetry by One
Read 574 times
Written on 2005-08-01 at 22:49

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A pleasure to read

You know
they know

Smiling at you


A pleasure to read. The yearning of sensuality in this piece of your soul, is tangible...

Yes I feel sure

You know
She knows
We all now know
what it feels like to desire

without end

Smiling at you


chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
ewer - ever. It - it. without being rude, it is all over the place this poem, i understand though you perhaps are not fully english speaking. the last line just doesn't make any sense at all to me. perhaps leaving out the word lovely here and adding would in its place?