cynical or practical?

winter (challenge)


chainsaw reduces

yellow log to cords of wood

snow begins to fall

Poetry by jim The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 243 times
Written on 2015-01-21 at 10:43

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Karl Johan Lindrup Olesen
Nice, nice, nice.
Karl Johan

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A tree , a single , tree , can tell many a story , many a tail going back long before many of us were ever even consevde , as a even a spesis , that swung from the branches of those trees

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Ah the invisible man and the hidden haiku:D! A good story could begin like this while sitting by the fireplace You just have to find the marshmallows and the rest of the story:)

At least wood is a renewable resource, unlike the oil or gas many of us use without giving it much thought. I don't heat with a wood stove but I do keep my fireplace going all winter. I think there is some ancient need and even reverence for fire that is still encoded in our genes.

I used to have my woodpile out by the pasture fence . . .

snow wrapping the posts
a rust-colored knot of ice
on each barbed wire tip

Maybe it all goes back to 'is the glass half full or half empty?' You could look at the picture as a desecration of nature with the pine tree felled and lying naked and exposed in the gathering snow.

On the other hand, the tree is destined to provide several hours of warmth and coziness for someone. I think of how beautiful I found corn in the garden we had when I was growing up. The tall stalks and long, wide leaves. The cone-shaped ears with their silky tips. But all along I knew that eventually they'd end up on my dinner plate. But somehow that was alright. We can think of winter as cold as snow, but also warm as a crackling fire on a freezing night. Anyway, those are some thoughts your poem evoked.

Great haiku.