The Crowd

I would have said hello
If not for the rag tag crowd and their hustle and bustle
shoving mished and mashed waiting for the train.
You stood out, like the glint of the sun on a churning river run.
A flash of brillinace and endless possibility.

I strained, head above water to watch your course.
Was it home on the red line too?

Yes, I would have said hello if not for the clamorous crowd that skittered and scattered sending dust and diesel to settle heavy on my brain.
And you, seemed so serene
Head swaying almost imperceptively to a personal beat.
Jazz perhaps?
I like jazz too.

And then the train came like a roaring beast with gaping maw.
The crowd swelled and surged, impatient with unsatisfied longing.
I was swept up into the unkind tide.
Into the train the crowd converged,
like a cork into a bottle,
to stop the flow of dreams.

Poetry by Kristina K
Read 434 times
Written on 2015-03-04 at 17:38

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I enjoyed, ah watching love slide into a surging crowd :-)

Elle x

I love this:)