Inspired by the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Pablo Neruda, E.E. Cummings, John Donne, and finally, my bright and shiny new muse.

Originally written on March 9th, 2014.

Into Pillows and Blankets

There is sweet music in this silence
A single drop of dew in an ocean of crystals
Music that fills you until you're empty
Music that paints rainbows until they're gone

There is sweet music in this solitude
A shimmer of golden dust in the air's paleness
Music that catches you until you fall
Music that guides you until you're lost

Your echoes reverberate
And you collapse with a thud
You fall from elegance
Into pillows and blankets

There is sweet music in this crime
A dash of crimson in the feather's frailty
Music that smoothens you until you're barbed
Music that cradles you until you crawl

There is sweet music in this birth
A whispered din in the green sanctuary
Music that heals you until you cut
Music that calls you until you respond

Your paleness glows
And your descend muted
You fall from grace
Into pillows and blankets

There is sweet music in the skies
A silver ribbon upon a black canvas
Music that pushes you until you pull back
Music that finds you until you wander off

There is sweet music in this shelter
A dash of faith in the relentless skeptic
Music that holds you until you destruct
Music that clothes you until you strip off

Your images fade
And you float down in silence
You fall from an embrace
Into pillows and blankets

Poetry by Sharanya Venkataraman
Read 1206 times
Written on 2015-08-20 at 18:13

Tags Music  Poetry  Love 

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
This is excellent. It has a swooning flow :)

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
your muse is in good company.