Inspired by Zeitgeist, Radiohead, and your everyday hypocrites.


These words I write are in water and smoke
And capture life in ways the human eye won't
To erase the stench of poverty
You hear the voices of messiahs
Paid to save our home
Gradually you feel their spirits
Seep into your soul
Your shadow seeks the light
Personified by the old
Grace and beauty reside
Within chemical combinations
Further repelling your soul
You see fire, you see the cosmos
You see buildings collapse
Like pancakes on a plate
Your eyes set right
What opposes wrong
Your fingers tap upon strings
Too stubbornly strong
Binding words together
Hoping they make sense
Cursing yourself again
When they fall on ears too dense

Poetry by Sharanya Venkataraman
Read 1217 times
Written on 2015-08-26 at 15:32

Tags Music  Poetry  Spiritual 

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Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
This is a really great piece. The pancake metaphor is brilliant. What I read is an apocalyptic tale of woe. Like an orchestral crash that frustrates you because others do not hear it building. Extremely well done.

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
i hate to think my ears are too dense
to comprehend bound words,
but it happens, and as images fall
down the page, each carries
something, a message, a thought.

seeing the whole isn't easy,
it may be impossible, as it is . . . erased.

i am left with pancakes on a plate,
and here it is, almost time for dinner.
