With a nod to Oscar

Why We Cry

For the starving little frightened child
Who weeps both night and day
Whose soul forever lies defiled
Beneath the barren clay
Protestation noted, filed
And quietly tucked away.

Gnawing hunger and burning thirst
Engaged in endless fight
Victory an irrelevance
As both will kill outright
A swirling sweep from Reaper`s cloak
To usher ruthless night

Each human heart must surely break
Though some may only bruise
At every step for progress` sake
For every path we choose
Is leading to a darker place
Where even winners lose.

Poetry by Yanto
Read 916 times
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Written on 2015-11-15 at 22:41

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Simple yet elegant. Not a perfect poem, but I like it. The ending punchline is awesome.

Flawlessly constructed and well said.

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website!

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Grim, but quite nicely written.

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
The structure, rhyme and rhythm is impeccable while the subject matter is dealt with is a very visionary and dark almost gothic manner. Great work, Yanto!