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The latest comments that Lavender has written.

funny the things

A perfect moment in time to recreate so that we might enjoy it along with you, good Sir. I went to a lot of movies as a child so the house would be quiet for my dad so he could sleep during the day and work the graveyard shift at an aircraft plant. He might not have known who Cary Grant was, either, but I did. lol

Solitary forest walking

A quiet walk in the forest is revelations on many levels and can be a heavenly experience. Your beautiful poem warms my heart and reminds me of everything satisfying to one's senses. A walk like this should be taken with a bag of oatmeal cookies (freshly baked.) After you finish the cookies, please pick up small treasures from the forest to bring back home in the bag.

Smiling at you, good Poet Sir.

Lavender (eating the cookie crumbs.) lol

Lamentable Vows

I jolly well enjoyed this poem because it is joyful and I admire the rhyming you created with your wit and wisdom, good Poet. I loved reading about you on your page. I, too am a newspaper columnist in California.

A delight to meet you!

♫ Lavender


Ah, good Sir... this poem conjures up the image of me sitting at your feet, looking up at you as you recite poetry in a room with wood paneling and a flowered carpet. We are eating grilled cheese sandwiches and drinking spiced cider and there is classical music playing softly in the background... something beautiful by Field.

I am wearing a velvet dress with a long skirt and you are wearing a long-sleeve shirt and Dockers and slip-on shoes.

Sigh... this vision is fading but came from reading your creative process and I admire your talent very much.

♫ Lavender

For Kathleen

Sweetly said, with much feeling, and no doubt appreciated by a special lady.


Well said, good Poet Sir. I think you are a passionate poet with much to share and I thank you for making me smile and sigh.

Pendulous swings

Ah, cleverness flowing in a stream of wit and wisdom. I like this poem very, very much.

A Letter to Matthew

My heart sends a warm spark your way with the hope that your son will respond to your pleas. A beautiful, tender poem, dear Poet.

About Sharks, Whales, and Love

Precious Kathy, your beautiful, poignant poem is well taken and understood by all who know of your lost love. My affection comes to you as best it can over the distance, and I wish I might mend your broken heart at least one stitch.

I Will End My Days In Indiana by M.A.Meddings (reposting)

Beautiful writing, filled with profound love. There was no one like Michael, our lastromantichero, indeed. Thank you, Kathy, for sharing this.

Tenderness of the Kiss

Certainly one of the most beautiful love poems I have ever read.

ashes to ashes...

Sorrow shared is especially beautiful and we must share each other's burdens or how else could we bear what happens in this doleful world? Hold to the small good things and keep the faith. A beautiful poem, Kathy. Truly.

Love Is A Tree

Sweetly said, with lovely images that reach out and touch the reader with a warm hand. Your poetry always makes me glad.

Showers of Flowers.

Oh, a poem precious beyond knowing. I love it so! Thou art a true poet to gather in nature and find it blissful. Sighing and sighing.

Still Searching For That Cuckoo by M.A.Meddings

Thou hast educated me far into knowing and going and sowing and mowing. Thy poem entreateth the wood nymph into visiting thine appointed woodland glens, forthwith. BRAVO!

Pitter Patter Boom by M.A.Meddings

Written by a true gentleman who brings loving commitment to his lady love. I shall send a contingent of fairies to you this day, each bearing a gift of fine forest treasure.

The Indiana Villanelle by M.A.Meddings

Oh, my heart is so full from reading this wonderful villanelle, I can barely lift my feet from the grassy forest floor! So wonderfully written, truly!

When Was I Ever Beautiful?

This poem has been read 119 times and each time I am sure the reader thought you to be beautiful, as did I! Hugs to you for writing such a poignant and precious poem.

I Never knew Such Beauty Then by M.A.Meddings

It says this poem has been read 27 times and actually, I imagine each poet who commented read it 27 times and pretended you were in love with her (well, in the case of the ladies.) lol You are really a romantic hero, well named, Sir. Beautiful. I think you must have very good dreams at night.

c what - mean?

I see, Sir, that you have been enchanted, for you are missing your i's. Take this small flower and rub it across your face and the i's will reappear if you say the proper enchantment. Do you know the words?

A small faery,


Wow! Thats Some Deposit Inside her Closet by M.A.Meddings

Sire, beware of dark places like closets for the gnomes sent by the Queen of the All Swarming Souls may hide there. Your poem shows you are very vulnerable to being captured.

A small faery...



Gladness! A holy connection of two souls who find each other's center of love! Beautiful poem, truly, good poet!

The Sweet Aroma Of Soft Vanilla by M.A.Meddings

a faery fainting in the glade
from reading now of love...
Look up, fine knight and you will find
my gossamer wings, above!

I sprinkle down enchantment, here...
enough to last for half the year!

Labrynthian Wilderness by M.A.Meddings

This wonderful adventure into love is flying away to Poetry Planet today and I trust that it will be admired by hundreds of poetry lovers! Tucked inside this message is a treasure chest of jewels that I found in the Forest of Yore! Thank you!

The Rose by M.A.Meddings

I have arrived on the morning breeze to collect this beautiful poem for Poetry Planet! Thank you for being so kind in allowing me to share it with the world! I am leaving a basket of strawberries at your door as a gift. Smiling here and feeling happy!

For ever And Forever by M.A.Meddings

AWWW... so sweet and loving! I admire your loving heart so much!

The Rose by M.A.Meddings

The sweetest poem! I love it so! May I please post it on Poetry Planet? The world would rejoice and people would rush out to buy roses!

If I could wish

I love this poem that tugs at my heart and makes me want to hug you! I do hope you will get your wish for a good husband. I am confident that you will because you have splendid words in your head and a sweet way of saying them!

Omygosherama by M.A.Meddings

I love it when poets play with language and have fun with it! Makes me glad to know you! I am going to play with something special for you tonight and OH MY goodness it will surprise you!

His Smile Slides Down Ribbons

A message well understood and greatly appreciated! Soft touches and embraces are kindly given and received, I am sure! Smiling here! A beauty of a poem!

Gossips and Gallows

Blink and smile! What stirring style! This might be presented by a narrator for a drama on stage. I do like it so much, fine poetess!

That Last Night Love Look by M.A.Meddings

Oh, fine and ever romantic you are! I am sighing and turning the pages of poetry and trying to find a poem about raccoons or something to get my mind back on track! You are such an amazing romantic poems writer! Ah, where are the raccoons!!!

When God cries

A poem that stimulates the reader's mind to imagine how God might feel. An exercise most phenomenal, and the poet's words are nicely penned!

An Encounter

Ah, 'tis so true that once a poet's mind has begun to unravel, all of creation stands naked before us and is at our mercy. A fine poem, splendid, truly!


So fine!!! Aye, I see the form and enjoy reading and writing these! A happy choice for writing nature poems, especially!


Ah, I admire this so much!! May I please post it on Poetry Planet?? It is lovely!


Smiling a shy smile here because this love poem is so tenderly yours and I love it so!

Dear John This One Is Just For You by M.A.Meddings

I never cry... for if I did, I would drown in tears for reasons such as you have penned. Your poem has reached across cyberspace and touched me in happy and sad ways, both combining. This is surely one of the most beautiful poems I have ever read! Your loving heart knows such kind ways.

A Love Like This by M.A.Meddings

Aye, kind and romantic hero poet... as Kathy says, we rejoice in your feelings of love! You always please us with your beautiful words!

For My Diamond

Ah, dear poet who thinks deeply... thy well is filled with the most wondrous images! Methinks this is an enchanted forest filled with treasures! Fine writing, most certainly!

Enchanted Morning by M.A.Meddings

Every lady who reads this must wish it might be written for her! Smiling and enjoying this beauty of a poem!

Do You Know by M.A.Meddings

A beautiful poem! May I post it on Poetry Planet? I accidentally deleted all my messages and I did not even get to read your last messages. I am so sorry. I am a silly wood sprite!


Ah! A poem that is filled with sweet wonder! Beautiful writing, my friend! I admire your talent so much. Elegance and sparkle!

Good Morrow Mr Rat by M.A.Meddings

Ah, a war poem... andhistory is filled with drama that fiction can not surpass. My favorite poems were written by soldiers from World War I.... The Great War. I have a book of them and they are my favorites, by far. Your poem is astonishing and so fine! I admire it tremendously!

Song of Diana

A poem with verve and considerable magnitude in terms of imagination, for we can only guess... As I followed the story of Diana in publications I always wondered what was going on in her mind and why she chose to do some of the things she did. It seems that a poet could write a dozen poems about her from different angles and this would be one of them. Well written, most certainly!

A Little Rhyme For The Lady

Thank you double and triple amounts for posting such a lovely birthday poem! I am so glad you have arrived on the great cyberspace ship that landed here with you on board! Your poem is settling into my heart where it will stay way past my birthday!

hugs to you for being so kind!


You are my everything by M.A.Meddings

Who could resist such sweet passion? I am moved by this radiant write and wish to carry it away to Poetry Planet this day! The world will rejoice and hundreds of women will wish to know you. Smiling at the thought of it! Thank you!

You Are So Easy On The Eye by M.A.Meddings

A wonderful poem for Katherine! She is a lucky girl to have a poem written for her. I am smiling and thinking she must be beautiful!

Beauty Fancied There

Lovely words in this poem, so filled with emotion... and I also enjoyed Ian's comment. Ah the sweet wonder of the poet and his poetry. So fine to write and respond in verse! Makes me glad for us all.

La vida es un carnaval

Impressive! A splendid poem that showcases languages as well as fine images! I am so proud of you. Certainly, you have a bright future. Smiling and admiring, here!