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Member since 2014-12-30
Has written 1664 comments

Has received 2724 applauds



one trick pony is lynn

aka jim



life is a very slow disappearing act

one trick pony

MY TEXTS, Archive 806 Texts

every bowl has its stone (9) - 2017-05-04
at any given moment (3) - 2017-04-18
on the isle of corfu (7) - 2017-04-10
fifteen - 2017-04-07
spring poem (4) - 2017-03-27
time it was (1) - 2017-03-23
night in the city (3) - 2017-03-21
prelude to a nocturne (5) - 2017-03-18
love and love (1) - 2017-03-17
spring collection (7) - 2017-03-13
god, angels, and a blue kangaroo (6) - 2017-03-05
everything is small (5) - 2017-03-04
the cutting board (3) - 2017-03-02
manifest destiny (3) - 2017-03-01
little sister (4) - 2017-02-26
alone with my thoughts (8) - 2017-01-27
modes of speech (8) - 2017-01-04
northern light (5) - 2016-12-29
judy nails (4) - 2016-12-27
Attrition (4) - 2016-12-22

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