Are we really existing? - 24th October 2005

In entity.

A biscuit; crumbled into islands of nothing but,
Sweetness that gains entity in a game of Russian rullet.
The reason is being.
The reason to exist.

A book; split into dull skins of nothing but,
Acknowledgements that gains purity in angel's sight.
The fact of existence.
The fact in being.

Poetry by John Ashleigh
Read 965 times
Written on 2005-10-25 at 10:14

Tags Deep  Warm  Curiosity 

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to exist is to know how to live for the moment not the how not the when or even the what. just the moment its self,the only reason of being is for the knowledge that is gaind from those things that crumbled by the game of chance.

Zoya Zaidi
Thought provoking!!!

Existinilism--I wonder if I spelled that right. A very interesting subject:) Why are we here...

I thought this a bit deep,even from you john, nonetheless a thoughtful piece, keep it up.