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53 years old from Sweden

Archive - November - 2008

the Kiss of life (6) - 2008-11-15
fields (5) - 2008-11-15
dotty world (3) - 2008-11-15
roundabouts (3) - 2008-11-15
a blister (2) - 2008-11-15
game over (1) - 2008-11-15
open me (2) - 2008-11-16
naked trees (haiku challenge) (3) - 2008-11-16
den (haiku challenge) (1) - 2008-11-16
dry days die (haiku challenge) (1) - 2008-11-16
the man in the moon (haiku challenge) (3) - 2008-11-16
freedom (acrostic challenge) (4) - 2008-11-19