Like a Hole in the Head
2006-09-11 I think it's in our nature to go to war, like two tribes fighting over dead fish
Boys and Their Toys
2006-09-11 Then I'm not that much of a boy, toys aren't that important to me really because I'm actually searching in lonely desperation
A very well written text however, as always
Tid er bare en lydløs melodi
2006-08-23 Vet ikke om det er så smart å legge ut en norsk tekst på en engelsk side=p
Likte det her, godt skrevet og det viser mye hva jeg ofte føler om alt rundt meg.
Du ser ikke alt når du ikke ser ordentlig etter, men når du først gjør det blir ting overraskende klare.
Odin owns ye all
2006-07-31 The poem is well written, the words are well used and writing with more than plain English adds much color to it.
How Soon
2005-11-06 and there is those who insist on not changing, and become depressed beings, maybe changes isn't that bad after all?
Bonfire Night
2005-11-06 this must be about dictatorship and failing democracy, riots, people marching in violent protests, or unviolent, getting unnecassary use of power against them, unrightseous and illegal treatment and imprizoning of those who hold the possible freedom. Fortunately it is not democrasy that are failing, but diktatorship that have faces and are easier to break than it seems to. This world is far from free, when are people going to realize that?
My Soul
2005-11-06 I don't know any possible ways to explain how much cense this poem makes. Very well written.
Maybe it's not always the computers' fault that many youths spend too much time in front of the computer, just ignorant and impatient people, but maybe i am wrong.
very well used words there.
The words of prisoning
2005-11-06 You don't mess with my spelling Esti.
I must say that no languages sound as good as english in the many ways it is spoken although japanese and chinese is beautyful.
that is my opinion.
2005-10-30 reality can be so boring sometimes!
I play too much computer.
I am not surprized if i am doomed to a life as a loner.