Moving Up
2009-01-08 hey kata,
this is fantastic !
hopin to have a mental sunrise of my own soon...
well hope you had a great new years,
Along the River Bank
2007-10-11 Kata this was a beautiful poem, an excellent image of a gorgeous setting, though it makes me sad to think that girl may not find what she is waiting for.
2007-01-05 not to shabby mate...whats next??
2006-09-17 wow, i'm really not sure why but this write has really affected me...i love it! thank you
Mind-blower (Kathy's chocolate challenge)
2006-09-13 haha i love this!! love the comparison :)
Distorted Image [song]
2006-06-03 I agree with him. It is very good, do you have music to it?
Possible Intro to Political Novel
2006-05-12 dude, you gotta continue it a bit more for it to make much sense, but your right, it is good!
My fortune
2006-05-11 Poetic, you do realize he prolly doesn't know what unanalytical means? lol, just kiddin' phil
2006-05-09 I guess it's safe to say that you, phill, have officially lost your mind...OH wait, i knew that last year too! :-P
Dear World:
2006-05-09 Hey man, I never really got to enjoy your work, but from what i hear you were one of the best! I'm just curious, why did you quit if you were so gifted with words?
Native Dream: Dear Mother Moon
2006-05-09 I think your story is quite interesting, and i hope it's not an actual even that happened to you. If it were, I am extremely sorry because no one deserves that kind of treatment. But your ending is really good! An ending that leaves you with a good feeling inside. Thanks for writing it!!!
The Light Side of Somewhere
2006-05-07 damn dude this is crazy good!