the toll
2025-02-22 So easy indeed! That last stanza wrapped it up quite exquisitely.
Adolescent Sun
2025-02-20 Perhaps an adolescent weather forecaster, sophomoric at best.
United Destinies
2025-02-19 So sure Rose will love this. Nothing like our bestie by our side.
I don’t feel like a writer
2025-02-19 Now that was worth a treat. The feeling for me comes and goes and later makes me think: an automobile remains what it is however many miles driven or not at all, in a museum or a scrap heap… it’s hardwired within. But our senses fight against logic of a writer not writing or not completing a composition still being a writer. A ‘failed’ or unfulfilled writer, perhaps?
How unusual, power
2025-02-17 “Off with their head!”
2025-02-12 Remember it all and write what you recall, it’ll leave you standing tall!
Building an Empire
2025-02-12 Empire! A functional form of state building,
the empire state building (lowercase letters please).
A Snowy Day
2025-02-12 Oh to be warmed up in many ways by varying methods!
Held Back by Their Delusions
2025-02-12 Said like it is. We make our heroes our villains!