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Language Laws in Québec
Written 2024-09-28
- separatists are those who believe that we as a French-speaking society are a distinct culture from the rest of Canada and should not be part of Canada, and be its own French country... although I'm French Québécoise, it's not a sentiment I share...
I do love where I live,
Was born here and have
Lived here my whole life,
But the one thing I don't
Like about it is all that
Nonsense about French.
And let's be clear, my
Father is a French
Québécois, my first
Language is French;
I learned English when
I was twelve years old,
'Cause I'm a nut for
Languages, always been.
I'm not big on politics,
But the ones that exist
Where I live are not
Possible to not notice,
'Cause laws are put in
Place on spurious beliefs
About our culture and
Language being under
Threat, which is totally
Ludicrous, and in many
Respects, very small-
Minded and alarmist.
You see, there's this
Whole saga centuries-
Old about the French
And the English here,
And since at one point
The English ruled and
Were the more affluent
Members of society, it's
Been a sore point for
What seems forever.
Generations have been
Brought up with the
BS point of view that
We must preserve our
Culture and language,
And must not allow
English from ever being
Able to be prominent,
To such an extent that
Bilinguism is tossed as
Any concept of being
Anything that is good.
It's almost viewed as a
Betrayal if you know
English for some hard
Core separatists here.
There's such a tension
Between the communities
That it wasn't uncommon
For me to be bad-mouthed
On the bus for speaking
English with my mates,
Having been told quite a
Few times 'On est au
Québec icitte, ostie'.
Meaning we speak French
Here, you better speak it.
So we have generations
Of unilingual French-
Speaking people as the
Norm, 'cause our laws
Have everything in place
To make it very difficult,
And very expensive,
To use another language
In the public as well as
The commercial spheres
Of our dear society.
Business names must be
French, signs must have
Larger lettered French
In prominence, products
Must have a French
User guide, services
Must be in French and
No entity of any kind
Is required to offer
English services even
Though Canada is a
Bilingual country.
Immigrants who come to
Our province are required
To learn French, can obtain
Services in another language
For six months, but after
That, they must use French.
Recently passed this law
That even doctors will not
Be allowed to carry on
Offering services in any
Other language but French.
It's absolute madness, all this.
There's also parents who want
To send their children to English
School, they must go through a
Long process of proving that
It's a justified request and
They must meet quite a few
Criteria to be approved
Before obtaining a certificate
From the government that
Will grant permission to
Send their children to English
Instead of French education.
Even websites must be
Prominently presented
In the French language.
It's all very embarrassing
Really, and so ridiculous.
If any of the rules are not
Followed, we have this
Body called the Office
Québécois de la langue
française which people
Can contact to complain,
And they do carry out
Inspections and issue
Hefty fines, we call them the
Language police, in all truth.
So yeah, this part is truly
Not to my liking, it's a sore
Point. To me, it's like they're
Deliberately and willingly
Wanting to remain uneducated,
Limited in their options and
In their interactions with others.
Knowing more than one language
Is to me so valuable for so many
Reasons both personally and
Practically, can't understand why
Anyone can feel so against it
On the grounds of protecting
Their language and culture.
Doesn't make much sense to me.
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Very Questionnable
Written 2024-09-27
- first horse-drawn tramways ran in England in 1807... first cable-run tramways ran in San Francisco, US in 1873... Québec city has started building one... for the twenty-first century... huh?
For a number of years now
All we've been hearing
About is how good it'd be
For our city to modernize.
So, what did the geniuses
At city hall come up with?
Let's build a whole city-
Wide tramway network!
Is it just me, but isn't that
Far from being modern?
A throw-back to the 1800s
Doesn't strike as novelty,
Certainly doesn't scream
Modernization in any way.
Wonder where the link's made
That it's anywhere present-day.
It's really lost on me.
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Feeling Optimistic II
Written 2024-09-25
- yeah, my life is incredibly boring... but that's what's going on right now...
Omnis for omnipraticiens in French... which is general practitioners in English... we're a team of 8...
When I go to the office,
I have 500 metres to
Walk from the parking
Place I leave my car at
To the office, and I did
With my trekking poles
For the first time today.
Spent the whole day
Using my poles, and
It certainly helps me
Move much quicker (my manager made the remark about it too)
Than I have been in
The last few months.
So that's very different.
My arms are killing me,
And my wrists are indeed
Sore, but it's tolerable, so
I think I'll be ok with these.
The attention it brings me
Is still not something I like
Much, but I did notice that
People are being incredibly
Nice, not that they weren't (not just colleagues, even strangers when out)
Before, but we talked about
What's going on and they
Expressed support and even
Offered to let them know if
They can do something for me.
Must admit that lightened my
Feelings of awkwardness and
Discomfort about my condition.
I hadn't really told anyone, they
Just saw me limp and sort of
Hold on to the walls on the way
Without knowing why I am. (felt really uncomfortable about that)
But now they know, and I'm
Feeling ok with that, and my
Going around with my trekking
Poles around the office is ok,
Not feeling as shy about it now
That I've done it. Seems like
Today achieved a few victories.
I opened up to a group of five. (my work team, we're known as the Omnis)
I used my trekking poles
All day quite successfully.
I walked a whole lot more today
And I'm no worse off in my pain.
It felt like I finally had a full day
Like I haven't been able to have
For so long now. It was amazing.
So my optimism is on the rise,
I really think this is going to work.
The arms will need a bit of time
To strengthen, but I think that'll
Settle down and I'll be fine soon.
The wrists, well, we'll see in time...
But for now, it's all looking good.
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Feeling Optimistic
Written 2024-09-23
- did get the trekking poles in the end yesterday... and I think they may work out... but have to get my muscles a little stronger first though...
Oh boy, the trekking poles
Are at the moment proving
To be quite the work out on
The arms, they're burning.
So can't go very far with
Them just yet, still, I'm
Noticing less rubbing in hip
And knee, and that's good.
I'm encouraged even though
It's all very difficult right now.
I'm thinking with a bit more
Time, it'll strengthen me and
I'll experience the benefits
The stronger my muscles get.
So I need to be patient and
Persevere, it should work out.
My impression is that this
Will in fact be helpful once
My strength builds up more,
So sensing hope for the first
Time in a very long while.
Feeling like this may very
Well be the perfect option,
Feeling optimistic about it.
So I'll keep on and find out.
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Now Isn't a Good Time, Cat
Written 2024-09-22
- Mini is our new girl in the house, we rescued her from the SPA in February... she's 17 months old now... she had a similar look on her face last night...
we have every trouble to get her to come curl up on the bed... but last night, she immediately came up and did exactly that... so unexpected...
NB: last two lines of this are said in laughs...
As my douce moitié and I
Were having some naked
Time last night, you know
What I mean, the cat got
Herself closer and curled
Herself on the bed right next
To us, and started to stare on
Intently at what we were doing. (very much at close eye-level, coudn't miss it)
It was to say the least very
Distracting and somewhat
Very awkward, made us laugh,
So, overtaken by the giggles,
I asked the cat : "do you not
Have any sense at all that
You were not for this invited?"
Silly thing just kept on staring.
Luckily, after a little while,
She got bored and mosied on
To another part of the house,
Leaving us to finish what we
Started, in peace, and
Without a spectator.
That was indeed much better.
Thank you so kindly, Mini.
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No Consolation
Written 2024-09-22
- blablabla... just some nondescript ramblings...
Sometimes understanding helps
Other times it does nothing at all
You get that it's horrible and words are
Difficult to come by as a response to it
You also get powerlessness' uncomfortable
Before another's suffering, what do you do?
But to be the one on the receiving end
Is truly a terrible feeling to deal with
You were alone through the years of hell
And you're alone still 'cause of that hell
Since others can't stomach such a reality
All the while you never had any choice
Sometimes understanding helps, but
Often, it's no consolation in any form
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Always Smiling
Written 2024-09-19
- I try my best to not make it show when it's physically not going too great... I don't like it when it's noticeable to others, that kind of attention is really uncomfortable... so focusing on people instead and smiling with them is what I do...
It may be difficult to believe,
But if you asked anyone who
Knows me, they'd say that I
Am a person who smiles a lot.
That may not reflect much in
The things that I write about,
But it's true, when I'm with
Others, I can be seen smiling.
I can't help it, really, it's not
Something I can ever imagine
Myself not doing, 'cause how
Miserable I truly feel doesn't
Need to be anyone's concern,
Plus it helps my focus away
From what's going on and can
Toss it aside some, a little easier.
I don't know, I just like people,
And when I'm with them, they
Make me smile, and laugh, which
Is something I very much enjoy.
So I do. Pretty much all the time.
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Posted on 2024 09 14, revised on 2024 09 15 ... added 2 things I deal with which I'd forgotten to mention 'cause they've been around since childhood (S10) and late teens (S5)...
The Daily Deal (revised)
Written 2024-09-15
- prompted from feeling like I have to prove to some that I'm struggling to move... 'cause apparently accommodating someone could cause some to feel it's unfair... yeah, can't say that I get that one...
Here's what I'm dealing with :
In my left hip, there's a split in
The labrum which the hip bone
Rubs, stretches and irritates at
Each step that I take in a day;
Hasn't healed in seven years.
In my left knee, I sprained
The interior ligament in my
Sleep which hasn't healed
Yet and it's been four years.
In my right shoulder, there's
A subscapular tendinopathy I
Somehow caused in my sleep,
Which has managed to heal,
But remains pretty fragile.
In my right index finger, I
Sprained another ligament
Very recently while playing
Guitar, so it's to be seen if
This one will come to heal.
In my left wrist, there's a
Sizeable cyst in between the
Ligaments that sometimes
Paralyzes the use of my hand.
But for both wrists, it's just
Impossible to apply weight.
In my right hip, started to
Appear some pain like my
Left one started years ago,
Not sure if it's another split,
But it sure feels like it is.
In my back and my knees,
There's recently stiffness
Which is feeling pretty tight,
That's a new thing settling in.
I also occasionally get bouts
Of costochondritis which
Causes painful inflammation
Of the cartilage around the
Rib cage and the sternum.
And throughout all of my
Joints, there's an intermittent
Shooting pain in the bones
Of my limbs or localized
Throbbing, without movement.
There's also the fragile state
Of my blood vessels which
Causes bruises and hematomas of
Impressive sizes at the slightest
Pressure on skin, it's all very sore.
Consequently, the more I move these
Parts, the more irritation it causes me
And a lot of inflammation, too.
There really isn't a moment in my
Body that doesn't hurt, it's always.
So, going places for no reason
Isn't something I can do lightly,
And I'm not exaggerating when I
Say that moving is very painful.
There's a very limited number of
Places I can get myself to weekly,
And going over it is always a risk,
So it's not to be awkward, it's
Just the reality of my situation.
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Written 2024-09-14
- my friend Stéphane was 29... I was 17... we met at a 24-hr Dunkin' Donuts in Montréal one night ('cause my hitchhiking buddy Sébastien had unexpectedly ditched me to go sleep at his relative's and I had nowhere to sleep)... and Stéphane came back with me to Québec to finish his weening of heroin (not a drug I had personal experience with, just friends on it) ... next month is the month it happened all those years ago... October has a lot each year...
I think this write is my way to close that box, so to speak... the last one... finally...
and about receiving a letter from him after, it certainly was another shock... he also said in it that for the rest of his life he would cut himself with that hunting knife he used, to inflict the same pain he caused me until the day that I am healed... ouf... I can't say that I knew how to receive that...
On his third day of weening
From heroin, he lost his head.
Wouldn't say it totally came out
Of the blue, 'cause our chat in
The evening was bizarre enough
To indicate something was off,
But nothing life-threatening.
He spent a good part of it trying
To convince me that there are
Ten percent of the population
Who are actually Martians, and
That he was one of them among us.
I listened and didn't challenge
Him as the timing didn't feel right.
When the evening wound to its
End, we went to bed, I, on the
Floor in the living room, he, on
The couch, and all seemed ok,
There was no upset between us,
And I couldn't have guessed what
Would end up happening that night.
At some point in the night, he got
Up, and started kicking me awake
Very forcefully, which was the
Biggest shock, and so unexpected.
I don't remember what he was
Yelling at me while doing this,
But the terror followed me for years.
He then picked me up off the floor
With a solid grasp of my long hair,
And I felt myself being thrown around,
Knocking walls and furniture along,
To then being pinned against a wall,
Him still yelling, and his hand squeezing
My throat cutting the air from entering.
Then for what seemed like it came out
Of nowhere, there was a huge hunting
Knife pressed very hard against my face,
And his eyes were dark with a lot of rage.
He continued yelling, something about
Not believing my kindness wasn't some
Kind of lie or trick to deceive him.
This went on for a while, and the more
Terrified I was, the more I froze and
Withdrew not showing any reaction,
Which only made him even angrier,
And made him lose all self-restraint.
He choked me, tossed me around more,
And simply beat the daylights out of me.
I don't know for how long all of this
Went on, and I don't know how long
I was left on the floor, all bloodied
And in excrutiating pain, feeling my
Life seep out of me, but I remember
When everything went black and
Nothing more of what happened next.
At the hospital, after the coma, I was
Told that it had been necessary to revive
Me, and in a coma a little over a day.
I remember the devastating, soaring
Disappointment I felt to have survived.
I remember the painful wounds,
Cuts from the knife, and from being
Thrown on furniture, walls, floor, being
Kicked, kneed, and punched; body was
In very poor shape for a while after all that.
As for my mental health, you can no doubt
Well imagine it was not fairing any better.
This incident changed everything for me,
It actually broke the little I had left in me.
And for twenty years, it was impossible
For me to go to sleep without reliving
Each action he made that night, over
And over, and it felt impossible to stop.
I couldn't control it, and I'd get stuck
In those moments feeling it all again
As if it was happening in current times.
It was a perpetual nightmare with no
End in sight for me, so I developed
The fear of going to sleep as a result.
So for years, the only way for me to
Get to sleep was to stay up for days
Until my body crashed on its own and
Forced me to sleep, it usually worked.
But going for days without sleep does
No one's system any good, and falling
Asleep in that manner restored nothing,
So I was so out of energy, my mind in
A constant fog, I felt like a living dead.
And of course, accompanying me through
All of this was depression not letting up.
So yeah, this friend of mine completely
Broke me and my life apart that night.
Thinking back on it all today, I was so
Young and naïve, only wanting to be
Kind to a friend in need not realizing
The danger of the weening process if
You're not experienced to deal with it.
I was killed because my kindness confused
My friend who wasn't used to being treated
Nicely by anyone in his life, that's what he
Explained to me in a letter after the event.
I don't know if that makes any sense, and I
Admittedly have mulled it over for years,
But I've come to realize it's doesn't matter.
What happened, just happened,
It's over now, and I've moved on.
I'm detailing it now to give a
Final record of the experience,
'Cause for the longest time, I truly
Didn't think it'd ever be possible to
Break free from this nightmare.
Couldn't tell you how,
But I did, I finally did.
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Written 2024-09-14
It's pretty clear in my head
That I will not see myself
Through to the end of this
Deterioration, I will submit
A request for a medically-
Assisted death when it's time.
That is what I meant when
I previously mentionned
That my life will not avert
From ending in suicide.
As for eligibility, not sure,
But that's where I'd start.
When the pain becomes
Too much and I can no
Longer move on my own,
That's when I'll start the
Process, it'll be time then
To have it all stopped.
I realize that may well be
A bit morbid as a thought,
But I don't view it as such.
I'm relieved that the option
Is available in an otherwise
Optionless situation as this.
It's only going to get worse,
And has been getting worse
In the last seven years, I feel
It in my body that there's no
Turning back to good with this.
Each year, I can do far less.
And the pain is only growing.
At some point, I won't be able
To withstand it any longer, it's
Only a matter of time now.
I have a high endurance for it,
But still, it's already difficult.
That will never diminish.
So those are the reasons
For my decision, thought
I should let you know.
I'm hoping that you'll be able
To understand my reasoning.
Eventually, and inevitably,
It'll all become too much.
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