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Shall I About Yours Then?

Written 2024-07-31


- really a big pet-peeve of mine is to be commented on about my size... and it always happens wherever I go... and I'm just not getting used to it ...


I'm normal-sized now, 5'3", 125 lbs... they would have freaked seeing me years ago... I was between 107 lbs - 122 lbs until about 4 years ago... of course, I never said any of what I'm writing here to these people who make a big deal about my size... no, but I mean, they really make a big, big deal about it... it's very uncomfortable... their reactions are over the top, in my view... and it's been two years now, get over it I'm inclined to feel at this point...


the thing people don't know is that my hEDS prevents my stomach from working properly and I don't feel hunger... so clearly, overeating isn't a problem for me, but only because of a physical issue... I shared that with a colleague who often talks about her weight issues, and she seriously said that she wished she had that problem... :/ 


women and weight... I don't know what to say... 




See, what you don't realize

Is if I were as blunt as you

Are being with me right now

Gasps would break out around us


See, you're commenting

On my size and how petite it is

And making a public spectacle

With your exclamations about it


See where I'm going with this?

What would my exclamations be

If I were to do the same about yours?

Shall I be as blunt as you and say it?


See, you're by no means petite

One would say quite honestly large

So shall I also dwell on your size

The same way you obssess over mine?


See, you may dream to be my size

But it doesn't remove the fact

That it's just not on to comment like that

What on earth is the matter with you?


How is what you're doing

Any more appropriate than

If I was as blunt as you're being?

Why you'd think I'd like it eludes me


So, have you imagined the reverse yet?

What's different about it, do tell?

See, I make no difference between the two

Would it be too much to leave my size out?


It has no element of pride for me

And I detest attention to my physicality

See, you need to get that out of your head

I don't view my size the way you do at all


So, it's enough already

There's such a thing as politeness


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pour Jey...

De mon coeur

Written 2024-07-28


Il y a tant de choses

Qui ont besoin d'être abordées

Car pendant toute ton enfance

Je t'ai gardé à l'écart de ces soucis


La seule version en ta possession

Est celle d'une personne hostile à mon égard

Qui t'a fait croire tout le contraire

Comme si c'était moi qui causait l'interférence


Tu ne sais réellement pas ce qui se passait

En arrière de tout ce qu'il te présentait

Toute l'hostilité, tout le stress, constants

C'était impossible d'avoir des discussions ensembles


Il n'y avait aucune coopération venant de sa part

Dans tous les aspects qui concernaient ses responsabilités

Non seulement ne faisait-il pas sa part, il s'imposait

Complètement dans ma vie comme si c'était normal


C'est pour cette raison qu'il déteste mon mari

Un jour, il a mit son pied par terre et l'a retourné de bord

Chose que je n'arrivais pas à faire, ne m'écoutait jamais

Il fallait un homme pour le remettre à sa place


Et, sans surprises, il ne l'a jamais accepté

Tout comme notre séparation

Mais nous n'étions jamais un bon match

Cela était bien trop évident dès le départ


Et malgré ton impression que c'est moi qui est en colère

Et qui n'aime pas ton père, cela n'a jamais été vrai

C'est vrai j'ai eu des moments où j'ai perdu ma patience

Un peu, mais j'espère que tu pourras me le pardonner


C'était des fois difficiles d'entendre les bêtises

Qu'il te racontait et que tu naturellement croyais

T'étais juste un petit enfant qui ne pouvait pas voir

L'absurdité des assertions que son père lui faisait


On ne fait pas trois autres enfants si on a pas les moyens

Surtout s'il n'y a pas de moyens pour le premier, en plus

Qu'il t'a fait croire que mes attentes étaient irraisonnables

Quand tout ce qui m'importait est que ton bien soit répondu


Je crois qu'il te manque beaucoup de parties à l'histoire

Et maintenant que tu es adulte, on devrait les aborder

Car je crois que c'est ce qui se passe en ce moment

Ces choses nous bloquent à être ensembles de ton côté


Et je trouve dommage de laisser comme ça

Car toutes ces émotions ne nous appartiennent pas

Elles ne sont pas arrivées entre toi et moi

Et ce serait bien que tu t'en rendes compte à présent

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Never Thought It'd Ever Be Possible

Written 2024-07-27


- I can honestly say that I'm no longer terrified of people or of stepping out of my home... anxiety is still there, but it's not the terror I used to feel... and I'm a whole lot better at managing the anxiety bursts to bring them down when they arise... I never thought any of it possible...


What was, what is :

Childhood -- violence and abuse, traumas

Teens -- violence, abuse, roaming the streets, poverty, death, traumas

Young adult and on for years -- motherhood, dealing with the symptoms and sorting out the traumas, poverty

Now (last 2 years) -- living out of the house and being with people on a regular basis, working an amazing job, total financial freedom...



Hard to say where the words are

To explain in no uncertain terms

How all of this actually makes me feel

Still lingers a feeling of surreality to it


The huge contrast between what was, what is

And how all of it was simply unattainable

Despite the many years of efforts put in

And now?  It's completely unrecognizable


Been told I should be proud of myself   (even congratulate myself)

But oh, that only feels all too strange to do

In truth, there's still more progress to achieve

It's not to say, though, that now isn't good


This is exactly what I was hoping for

And I'm actually managing and doing well

My life has drastically changed for the better

And it feels like I'm finally getting to live it


Never thought this perspective would

Ever be mine to experience in my time

All I'd ever had involved a lot of suffering

It was inconceivable it'd ever be different


So that lingering sense of surreality

Kind of hangs about in my moments

When I take in all of the drastic changes

And how I'm doing well in all of that


Truly didn't believe it would ever happen

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Written 2024-07-21


nah, I don't spend my time thinking about this stuff... but things do pop up in mind once in a while out of the blue... he was known as Lion (said in French) on the streets... to be clear, I was not there engaging in criminal activity or part of the chase or none of that... I saw him later after the incident and he told me what happened...


Remember the night

Everything went to hell

How quickly things

Degenerated to tragedy


A friend got himself into

A heap of trouble while

High as a kite engaging

In criminal activity


Ensued a car police chase

And then a chase on foot

In which he crossed the busy

Autoroute dodging the cars


To then jump over the railing

Of the overpass, falling meters

Down to the pavement below

Completely shattering his body


He survived but the damage

Was too great for any repair, he was

Now quadriplegic at the age of twenty

Because of a really stupid moment...


It's not something you forget


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About That Guy Who Recently Was Shot

Written 2024-07-15


I've never experienced this before,

But to actually have my skin crawl

At the sight of that ignoramus 'cause

His whole vibe is completely repugnant

Is a strong reaction to have about someone.


I cannot for the life of me find any

Redeeming qualities to this man.

He's as vaccuous as vaccuous can be.

It's a complete mystery to me what

Anyone can see in him to want to follow.


He's an absolute well-established loser of life

Who cheats his way to get what he wants.

And his only interest really is himself.

As for him being a straight-up tell-it-like-it-is guy,

That's a load of nonsense, not what he does at all.


Have you listened to what he says?

The guy can't string sentences together,

Let alone coherent or reasonable ideas,

That make any damn sense.

He says nothing, and he rambles on.


How can anyone be attracted to that? 

It's a sincere head-scratcher to me.


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R.I.P. F.i.in.e Moods (1989-2024)

Written 2024-07-13


- on to the next chapters of my life...  I realize this is a bit weird to express it in this way, but there you go...


Here's a very embarrassing admission... F.i.in.e Moods stands for:  Fucked up, Insecure, Insanely Neurotic, Emotional Moods... I know it's nothing brilliant, but it certainly felt fitting at the time... the origins are lifted from Aerosmith's song F*I*N*E from their 1989 Pump album... 



I've decided to finally lay her to rest

For she has fulfilled her protection of me

Through all those years of immeasurable pain

I was left to deal with after all of the horrors.


We 'came together' when I was a preteen,

During those years when I started roaming the streets.

F*I*N*E was my nickname then because of the patch

I'd sewn on my jean jacket displaying those letters.


It's how I was called by all on the streets,

So it's been an association for a very long time,

And so in a way she's been a part of me through everything

I had to deal with, seeing me through many rough spots.


When I started writing online about all I'd experienced,

I modified my nickname to F.i.in.e Moods,

And she somehow was a strengthened F*I*N*E who

Became my shield to hide behind to protect myself.


But today, I do not need to protect myself anymore.

I'm no longer terrified or pained or hidden away

To the extremes I needed to survive for so many years,

So this survival mechanism is truly no longer required.


I have to admit that I'm sad to let her go, 

It feels like a death of a dear one to me.

But I know at this juncture it's what's needed

For me to move on to the next steps of my life.


So, I can only say my goodbye to my dearest FM,

She'll always hold a special place in my heart.

But it's time for me to step out of my hiding,

And allow myself to exist in this world as only me.


All that happened isn't anywhere near who I am,

And she and I only existed because of what happened.

But that time is gone, and though it was a great

Support, it's over now... she can rest at last, as can I.


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Plays On the Mind

Written 2024-07-12


Whenever you say nothing

My mind seeks to fill in the blanks,

And of course, goes to the most

Negative possibilities there could be.


Have to, with much effort, stop it

From spiralling into the worst

Of scenarios my imagination

Can spring up to speculate on.


Not sure why I'm so insecure

When you have nothing to say.

But whenever this happens,

It relentlessly plays on my mind.


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didn't answer yet... but where to even begin?

Finding a Description

Written 2024-07-10


Were you ever asked

To describe your parents?

I was, recently, and for

The life of me, I truly

Wouldn't know where 

I could even begin...


It's been going around in

My thoughts since, trying to

Find a way as to how

They can be described,

But there's just too much

That's just too wrong, it's chaos...


In one word, I'd say : damaged.

But it doesn't introduce

Them in any way as to

The person each are ;

That part is extremely

Difficult to put together...


It's difficult 'cause there's

No simplicity involved,

There's a lot of instability

And alternate reality,

Coupled with violent comport,

And no self-restraints...


I don't know how to

Describe them as individuals,

Least of all as my parents.

There has never been a

Feeling of connection ;

They are strangers who gave

Me life and nearly killed me...


But that's it,

I can't describe them.

If I did, it'd be a mess

Requiring a few volumes,

And quite frankly, I'd be afraid

It wouldn't be believed, anyway...


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the joys of service providers...

Webhosting provider

Written 2024-07-07


The website here has been online

Since 20 May 2005, and when we

Became involved at managing

The site in 2009, the webhosting

Provider was changed at that point,

If I'm not mistaken on that one.


That was fine, there were no issues,

But our webhosting provider then got

Bought out by another company,

And then that company got bought out

By another company, so our original

Choice as provider has long been gone.


The companies have all been from

One area in Europe, and although

They are happy to accept business

From English-speaking customers,

Can't say their employees actually

Know how to use it with much efficiency.


So simple contacts for simple info

Can turn into a very drawn-out affair,

'Cause evidently, there's a language issue

Between us to understand each other clearly.

Put into the mix that they are also very

Disorganized in their operations...


It is very, very rare to get clear explanations

Or even clear info, 'cause in the span of

Eight emails, there are many contradictions,

And often contrary assertions to what 

They initially started from, and you're left

Really not sure what the hell they're on about.


A lot of time has to be wasted to get

Any sort of sensible answer from them.

So, yeah, after years of this, I always

Get weary now any time I have to contact them.

Every time always ends in complete exasperation,

I think I've come to actually dread it at this point.


This time they contacted us mid-May

To inform us that our plan/contract

Would be terminated on 31 May, and

That they would move our site to

A newer technology server....    (again!)
Then tell us it'll happen around 13 June.


But then tell us in July, sorry, they don't know

At this time when the move will be scheduled,

But that 7 days before the move they would

Notify us of the date this will be happening.

Then tell us, after many emails trying to find

Out what our new system will be and cost,


We are going to maintain our current contract

With no cost changes when we are moved,

And that the costs quoted are only for new contracts.

To this very moment, it's beyond me why they

Quoted me the costs for new contracts when I'd

Specifically asked if the migration would affect our costs.


So all of the ten emails could have been

Resolved in one had they just answered

My initial question which was based

On what they had informed me was happening.

And it's always like this for any sort of contact with them,

Have quite a number of examples accumulated over the years.


I'm really working hard to remain patient

When it comes to these guys, and I can tell you,

The less contact with them, the better...

It'll drive you crazy, I swear.

But despite all of the big niggles of their poor operations,

They still remain one of the most inexpensive out there.


So, yeah.

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