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Member since 2006-02-02
Has written 58 comments

Has received 30 applauds


Ah, lo there!

I'm a word loving fellow from the polar bear infested barrens of Northern Norway. Have always been a sucker for fantasy and such, so many of my texts are influenced by that. I love music, read constantly, watch a lot of anime, and of course, I write!

I know the pieces fit.


Thomas Selnes

40 years old from Norway


Sonnet 8 (The Wanderer's thoughts) (10) - 2008-02-28
Let's tango! (5) - 2008-02-22
It's Boogie time, baby! (4) - 2007-10-17
Divine Retribution (1) - 2007-03-26

MY TEXTS, Archive 54 Texts

Sonnet 8 (The Wanderer's thoughts) (10) - 2008-02-28
Let's tango! (5) - 2008-02-22
I, Chaos. (6) - 2007-10-20
It's Boogie time, baby! (4) - 2007-10-17
Shaken, not disturbed (4) - 2007-10-02
Mr. Jenkins (3) - 2007-10-02
Come back, me dears (2) - 2007-09-20
Riddle me (1) - 2007-09-15
Divine Retribution (1) - 2007-03-26
Sonnet 7 (My Alice) (2) - 2007-02-23
Beloved rabbit (3) - 2007-02-11
My sis, the smiling tigress (8) - 2006-12-24
Sonnet 6 (For my Mother) (8) - 2006-12-16
The Firefly's three steps (5) - 2006-12-07
The Virtues of Tea (11) - 2006-11-29
Sonnet 5 (The Second Deluge) (5) - 2006-11-28
The life of a clerk (3) - 2006-11-28
Catharsis (5) - 2006-11-24
The Clerk (6) - 2006-11-24
A clerk's ire (4) - 2006-11-22

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"Please, send me a cookie"

Direct address: https://www.poetbay.com/Thomas