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Member since 2006-06-18
Has written 182 comments

Has received 5 applauds


I am 15. I am a young lover. I rule the scene of love. Only in my world. Lover's World. Not an age limit.

I live in Atlanta, GA in the USA.

I am currently truly in LOVE.
Like I said: Young Love has no LIMITS!

I am in need of inspiration, so read my poems!

Love Knight

33 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 122 Texts

!!!MY ANGEL FOREVER!!! (9) - 2006-11-21
Proven(conclusion of "Prove It") (2) - 2006-11-17
I Care About You (3) - 2006-11-17
I Look Up to You(To My Father) (4) - 2006-11-16
Damn(The power of beauty) (2) - 2006-11-15
Baby, Don't Cry pt. 2 (3) - 2006-11-12
Baby, Don't Cry (3) - 2006-11-11
The Two of Us (2) - 2006-11-10
Month By Month(Slow Love) (3) - 2006-11-09
PROVE THAT YOU LOVE ME (2) - 2006-11-04
1+1=1 (4) - 2006-10-31
Dream Girl (1) - 2006-10-29
Alot of Girls Want To Be You (2) - 2006-10-28
...Share the Same Heart pt.2 (2) - 2006-10-27
When 2 People Are In Love They Share The Same Heart (3) - 2006-10-26
Life Of The Rich (3) - 2006-10-25
FANTASY PROMISE (1) - 2006-10-22
The Way You Are... ALL people are BEAUTIFUL! (5) - 2006-10-18
HALF PAST(a year) (2) - 2006-10-15
Night and Morning (2) - 2006-10-13

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