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Member since 2009-02-06
Has written 11 comments

Has received 16 applauds


Hello fellow poets!

When I was at school I thought poetry was for girls, yet I wrote song lyrics by the bookful. At university I discovered a teacher who loved poetry and wrote like she had a disease. Pretty soon she infected me. I wrote with passion and confidence for a few years.

Somehow, some bad decisions, a new job, parenthood, and a new town took over my life. I stopped writing for a long time. But thanks to a Facebook friend who got me reading this site, I'm back writing and feeling passion, and hope again.

I love comments, but I struggle to not obsess about getting them! Keep writing.

Writing friends
liz munro

Blue River

46 years old from Australia

MY TEXTS, Archive 25 Texts

Right-handed (6) - 2009-02-06
Left of Centre - 2009-02-06
The Servo (1) - 2009-02-06
Taste (1) - 2009-02-06
I should move my room around - 2009-02-06

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