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Albert82 years old from France |
MY TEXTS, Archive 57 Texts
My Childhood days, dedicated to Roger (4) - 2005-12-09
MAGNY'S church bells (1) - 2005-12-08
Sleep eludes me (2) - 2005-12-08
The Appointment (2) - 2005-12-07
Father Christmas's list. (3) - 2005-12-06
Mr Mole Francais (5) - 2005-12-05
A gentleman of the road (2) - 2005-12-05
Separate Beds (4) - 2005-12-04
Every Shade of Green (3) - 2005-12-03
For KJC (2) - 2005-11-30
The Red Squirrel (3) - 2005-11-30
Mother (2) - 2005-11-30
The Last Rose of Summer (5) - 2005-11-29
October Wood ~ Winter Wood (5) - 2005-11-28
I do taste (3) - 2005-11-27
Who are you (2) - 2005-11-26
Final Countdown (2) - 2005-11-25
The patio (3) - 2005-11-25
My favourite place (6) - 2005-11-24
I dream a dream, (4) - 2005-11-23
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"I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes -- until I met a man who had no feet."