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D G Moody75 years old from UK |
MY TEXTS, Archive 106 Texts
Stranger among friends (3) - 2023-11-18
Love Returned (1) - 2023-11-16
Eyeless in Gaza, An Allegory. (1) - 2023-11-15
Breath (2) - 2023-11-14
Winter Haiku (2) - 2023-11-03
Allhallows (2) - 2023-10-31
The Long Call (4) - 2023-10-29
Old Dog (3) - 2023-10-26
No Gift Outright (2) - 2023-10-22
Kali Yuga (2) - 2023-10-20
Robin - 2023-09-01
My Favourite Day (1) - 2023-08-25
Graves Admonish (1) - 2023-08-23
In Memoria Canis (5) - 2023-08-21
Glad for the Glass (1) - 2023-07-16
To My Wife (1) - 2023-07-15
AR-15 (5) - 2023-06-27
Roland the Rat (3) - 2023-06-13
Death of an Apiarist (2) - 2023-05-16
The Stations of The Cross - Epilogue (1) - 2023-04-14
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