A title and theme that's been been hanging around for some time; so to save too many words a Tanka will be best.

(image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

The One Unanswerable Question

Not God’s existence.
Not the fact of suffering
Only what happens
When we die - upon this we’ve
Built – a pyramid of lies.

© D G Moody 2023

Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 244 times
Written on 2023-11-20 at 18:47

Tags Life  Death  Speculation 

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Lady Courtaire
Indeed we have. You're right - tanka was a spot-on choice for this subject and mood. Enjoyed this.

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
The prevailing theory on death that I ascribe to is the belief that after you pass away you relive moments of your life, or witness it all unfold in front of you. So, what I do is I spend 10 minutes, everyday, forcing myself to laugh so that when I die and I look over my entire life, it seems as though I'm happy or at least laughing every single day.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Nicely done. Because it is unanswerable, it is the scariest question.

Sona The PoetBay support member heart!
yes, indeed