I was thinking of poetry companions last night and wrote this, for Josephus and Griffoner.


( Image, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, artist John Thomas )

All Souls Shall Arise


Suddenly, or so it seemed to us
all our todays became no longer
our tomorrows when we stood
together hand in hand while
looking over the sea wall to
where the tide was ebbing out,
taking with it our little ship
of future promises, its cargo
packed tight as our future plans,
just needing to offload to happen.


And that little ship is ourselves,
entire, enfolding all that’s gone;
depending not upon our whims
for the regenerative sea returns
you and me to where we shall
be born again, as a new life that
we won’t know, being not then
ourselves, and yet still reborn
upon the new oceans morning.
Then all souls shall arise and
find in life eternities sunrise.



D G Moody 2023








Poetry by D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 212 times
Written on 2023-12-09 at 12:27

Tags Rebirth  Friendship 

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Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful! Poetry as a voyage. I love it.

josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
The poem is spot on and I’ll blessed to be considered worthy of your thoughts Dougie. May we Al “find in life eternity’s sunrise”


D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Being a work in progress the poem now edited.

Final edit (methinks!) today - 13/12/2023

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Firstly, thanks for thinking about me - especially when our dear friend Josephus is far more deserving. Your kindness, and your friendship, shine through this poem with such devout intent that I thank you with all my heart. I'm fairly confident at this time that my littler ship still has some room for further memories... That, at least, is my desire.
Blessings and much brotherly love,