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I'm a artist from Sweden
Think i will try English poetry
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I'm a artist from Sweden
Think i will try English poetry
Check out the links And My Art
Mr painter52 years old from Sweden |
Death - 2009-07-03
Rotten eye (My Mothers Ant) - 2009-07-03
Wet kisses and dancing hearts - 2009-06-13
Shake your lip's (2) - 2009-06-10
Smiling kisses (makes your mind go wild) (4) - 2009-06-04
Big feet's story a smiling gun - 2009-06-02
Bad ass (1) - 2009-05-29
Eat gun powder your smurf - 2009-05-26
MY TEXTS, Archive 82 Texts
Tick tack (Eat an apple) (3) - 2009-02-05
Twisted (1) - 2009-02-04
Tears Is running (So you now what) (1) - 2009-01-15
Black dahlia (Eat the world ) - 2008-12-28
Shadow maybe (1) - 2008-12-27
Wings of a bullet ( A silence hug ) (3) - 2008-12-27
I am sadness In a box (7) - 2008-12-26
Whisper silent (All I need) (1) - 2008-12-23
Wicked (4) - 2008-11-30
Stain (fjkdsjfaksjf) (3) - 2008-11-19
The whisper of man (One cool devil) (3) - 2008-11-13
Lips on rasberry road (Need a chicken wing ) (5) - 2008-11-12
I split my shadow in the morning (Lay the lion down) (6) - 2008-11-12
Scream heaven (Like a lemon in the dirt) (3) - 2008-11-11
Back in Black (2) - 2008-11-08
Honey mouth (1) - 2008-11-07
Silver cry ( A mad mans tear) (2) - 2008-11-04
Sweet lips (1) - 2008-11-03
When sea over lost souls ending a winter night (1) - 2008-10-26
Lips of a Heart (1) - 2008-10-26
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